The Rotary Club of St. Simons has 2 options:
Traditional Rotary Club or Satellite Rotary Club
The main club is a Traditional Rotary Club which meets every Tuesday for lunch at 12:30 p.m. to socialize, followed by a guest speaker to learn about a new topic or an opportunity to serve the community; the meeting concludes at 2:00 p.m. This traditional club has periodic service projects and hosts community events every year such as Taps at Twilight.
The Rotary Club of St Simons also sponsors a Satellite Club which offers more flexibility for those who may find attending traditional weekly meetings difficult due to busy schedules or other commitments. The Satellite Club meets at 5:30 p.m. on 2nd and 4th Thursdays every month. Meetings do not include a meal and last no more than 1 hour. Service Projects are planned at least every other month. When there is a Service Project, the regular meeting closest to that date is not held. Members of the Satellite or “After Hours” Club are also members of the St. Simons rotary main club and are welcome to participate in the SSI Club activities. For more information see the AHC page.
I am interested in Rotary
Please check out our speaker calendar to find a topic that interests you…
We Are Rotary International
Rotarians, Around the World and on St Simons Island
are People of Action
Take a few minutes to peruse through this page –
Maybe YOU will want to consider becoming a Rotarian in the St Simons Island, GA Club!
Take Action
“Service Above Self”
Rotary is a service organization of business and community leaders united worldwide. Rotarians are making a positive impact in our local and global communities.
Join – Make an impact in our community, together with Rotary.
What is the Rotary Club of St. Simons Island?
The Rotary Club of St. Simons Island was established on February 20, 1950, and is the most active and well know service organization in the community.. We are a leadership organization working together to make a difference. Our members include local business, professional and civic leaders. We form lasting friendships through our shared Rotary experiences including weekly meetings with interesting speakers, committee meetings and projects, social events and group service projects within our community and internationally.
Club Mission
Engage St. Simons leaders in meaningful service within our community and humanitarian projects around the world, while embracing opportunities for friendship and informative programs.

Membership Benefits
Formal meetings with networking every Tuesday at 1:00, featuring local, national and global influential business, civic, political and cultural speakers. Lunch starts at 12:30.
We also have a Satellite club that meets at 5:30 the First Thursday each month, for cocktails at the Rooftop of The Ocean Lodge. This club is geared toward members that can’t dedicate the time for a longer lunch meeting.
Opportunities to give back through the club’s service efforts. Some of our efforts include Disaster Hygiene Packs at MAP International, food giveaways with Second Harvest, efforts with Golden Isles Veteran Village Initiative, to name a few.

1.2 Million Rotarians
That’s the number of Rotarians in the world in 2016. Yes, 1.2 million. Each member is chosen for their excellent professional reputation.
34,000 Rotary Clubs
Rotary Club membership is by invitation only to the highest caliber of professionals and young professionals on the upward career path in each community.
Membership by Invitation
Rotary Club membership is by invitation only to the highest caliber of professionals and young professionals on the upward career path in each community.

Connect – Make new friends, catch up with old friends. All like minded and ready to change the world, with Rotary.
Fun, Fellowship and Networking
“Many community leaders have shared the fun and friendship of being members of the Rotary Club of St. Simons Island while upholding the ideals of service and high ethical standards.
Take Action – Get involved in what means the most to you – in the community or in the world, with Rotary.
Hours of Community Service
In direct grants to
community organizations
To eradicate polio
Local Scholarships Awarded
The Rotary Club of St. Simons Island continues to increase numbers year after year with our team of community leaders .
The Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
- FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
- SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
- THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
- FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Four-Way Test
The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:
Of the things we think, say or do:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Rotary Club of St Simons Island
PO Box 21887
St. Simons Island GA 31522
Contact us
General Email
Club 4210 - District 6920
Weekly Luncheon Meeting on Tuesdays
Best Western Conference Center
301 Main Street, St Simons Island GA 31522
Lunch begins at 12:30
Meeting 1:00-2:00