Membership Application

Please click the button below to fill out the form to apply for membership in the Rotary Club of St Simons Island. This application is either for the main club or for the after hours club.
It is the duty of the St. Simons Rotary Club Board of Directors (BOD) to preserve the quality of the St. Simons Club by enforcing those ideals that are considered part of good membership. The Board’s obligations begin with the selection of high quality candidates and the orientation of these applicants with the expectations of the Club for maintaining a good membership status. It is also the Board’s obligation to review and correct membership issues that exceed reasonable lower limits.
The purpose of these Procedures is to establish a process to review membership non-performance. Each category will have a review level. In all contacts with members about these issues, extenuating circumstances will be made known and given consideration if appropriate.
Although meeting attendance is not mandatory, it is the members who attend meetings most frequently that become the most productive Rotarians. Members with declining involvement will meet with their Club Liason to work together to increase commitment to Rotary and the club and to increase the member’s fulfillment.
Applications should be completed in their entirety and will be given to the Membership Director. Notice of receipt of application will be given to the member of the club via publication in two issues of the Spray and announcement at two weekly meetings.
The member will then attend a club orientation session.
The Membership chair will verify orientation attendance and submit application for Board review and vote at the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting
All members are required to pay quarterly dues. Optional contributions, to the Rotary Foundation or other club supported activities, may be included with your quarterly dues payment. Quarterly dues invoices are sent out via email on or around the first day of the quarter and are due upon receipt. Payments may be made via check, either mailed to the Club’s PO Box or delivered to a meeting, via credit card through PayPal by clicking on a link in the body of the invoice email or via credit card at most weekly meetings. A financial obligation that exceeds 60 days is considered delinquent. The Treasurer, or a member of the Financial Committee, will notify any delinquent members that their membership is at a critical threshold. Members who have an outstanding balance that exceeds 90 days will be reviewed by the BOD for membership termination. The Club Treasurer will report on the finances of the Club, including all seriously delinquent accounts, at each board meeting. Club board meetings are open to all members.
Any member who expects to be away from the Club for a period of 3-months or longer may be excused from the meals portion of the dues. Members may request an LOA by sending a letter or email to the President or Membership Director indicating the requested beginning and ending dates and the reason for the absence. The LOA request will be submitted to the Board for its approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Membership can be terminated for financial or Red Badge violations. The Board will review the Club’s financial report, attendance and Red Badge records and take action as required. Members will receive a letter and deadline when the member is in danger of termination. If the member does not comply, they are subject to membership termination which will be voted on by the Board. The terminated member will be ineligible to join another club if the reason is nonpayment of dues.
Any request for an extension of LOA beyond three months must be submitted to the board for approval. No LOA will exceed six months.
All new members are required to participate in the Red Badge Program unless they have significant past Rotary Membership experience. It is expected that new members will complete their requirements for a Blue Badge in 6 months or less. Anyone who hasn’t completed the requirement in one year is subject to Board action. A club liaison will be assigned by the Membership Director to assist the prospective member through the Red Badge process.