Taps at Twilight 2023

Taps at Twilight 2023

Taps 2023 was a resounding success! The crowd was large and enthusiastic.  The speech from Vice Admiral Al Konetzni was moving! We honored our own Dick James, who will be admitted to the Ranger Hall of Fame later this year. Susan Imhoff and her team nailed it.    ...
District 6920 Rotarians of the Month

District 6920 Rotarians of the Month

Our club now has 3 District 6920 Sledgehammer Awards October 2022 – Leslie Mattingly – Communicator March 2023 – Joe Leek – Collaborator May 2023 – Beverly Trainor – Legislator These awards are from our District Governor, Heather...
Eastern Zone District 6920 Speech Contest

Eastern Zone District 6920 Speech Contest

Thanks to all contestants, their parents, teachers and guidance counselors and everyone who participated and helped to make this a successful event. Our winners were: 1st Place: Amiyah Elam, Ware County High School 2nd Place: Rebekah McKinnon, Glynn Academy 3rd Place:...
Reading Rockets – It’s a Blast!

Reading Rockets – It’s a Blast!

Reading Rockets It’s a Blast! The pictures you see are of me enjoying the best part of my week. I read to Pre-K kids in 3 different classrooms on Fridays. I am part of the Reading Rockets childhood literacy volunteer reading program sponsored by the St. Simons Rotary...