Club Service
The Rotary Club of St Simons Island experience includes friendships in and out of Rotary. It extends to our spouses, partners and neighbors. Each meeting includes a ‘Wellness Report’ helping us to keep up with members going through a ‘trial’ in their life. We have a time members can announce good news & celebrations – anything ‘Happy’ happening in their life. And we have general announcements allowing members to share news and events occurring in other organizations they hold dear. Most members arrive at least 30 minutes before each meeting for time to socialize with friends. In addition to our weekly meetings – we enjoy social occasions such as ‘First Tuesday,’ a monthly get together from 5-7 p.m., after which many of our members and friends head to a local restaurant for dinner. We strive for at least one ‘off site’ adventure each year – such as a Club tour of Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, and a tour of the Brunswick Port.

Kings Bay Naval Base Tour
On February 13, 2020, the Rotary Club of SSI boarded a Glynn County school bus and ventured south to King’s Bay Naval Base. Twenty eight of our Rotarians and guests attended this once in a lifetime tour. After successfully advancing through strong security measures, we entered the base. We toured the grounds briefly and then boarded the USS Tennessee submarine for our guided tour. We were broken into two groups to traverse the tight quarters in the submarine.
We viewed officers’ personal quarters, the control room, the actual missile silos, and many more spaces on the submarine. We learned they rely on the stars to guide their way and use little satellite information so as to avoid hacking by enemies. We met many of the young men and women who serve our country proudly and discovered aspects of their personal journeys aboard the submarine and their time spent on the sea during a deployment. We finished the tour having lunch with Officer Bassett in their canteen.
During this tour we learned there were 66 nuclear submarines in the US Navy. They are mainly designated as the Ohio class but we learned the US Navy is converting to the Columbia class, more advanced and capable, in the next few years. The word our guide, Public Affairs Officer Scott Bassett, used to describe the submarines, missiles and the entire operation was “stealth.”
Most of our group had never been on an operational submarine and found the tour fascinating. It was truly a day of learning and camaraderie.
Lynx Tall Ship Evening Sail

Rolling Rotary Kick Ball Team
In the fall of 2019, the Rotary Club of St. Simons Island joined the Glynn County Parks and Recreation’s Adult Co-Ed Kickball League. Our team roster included fourteen members of our Rotary club and eight friends or spouses of our members with a great mix of men and women! After eight games and one tournament round, our record was 0-9. for the 9 games. While our record does not accurately reflect our valiant efforts, our team fought hard each and every match. Everyone on the field and the fans in the stands recognized our courage and passion to succeed. Even though we may have been slightly disadvantaged with an average team member age three times that of the other teams’. Our ability and strategy improved with every game.
We had such a good time building goodwill and better friendships and certainly got to know each other better through our biweekly battles. We had a dedicated group of cheerleaders and fans. No one was permanently injured but we all challenged muscles we forgot existed. Despite our record, we all enjoyed the camaraderie we shared with each other, as well as getting to know the other teams through a fun fast paced, and competitive competition. The Rolling Rotary team was well liked and respected by our rival teams.
First Tuesdays

Fall Social
Holiday Dinner and Music
One of the club’s most anticipated events is our annual Holiday luncheon for members, spouses, and guests. We also look forward to welcoming and catching up with the spouses of members who’ve passed away, yet we remember fondly. The luncheon is a festive occasion where all celebrating a faith holiday or the joy of the season can celebrate together. Each year’s luncheon is held at a special location and features musical entertainment and much revelry for all.

70th Anniversary Celebration